Kawasaki ZX6R J Spares

Used Parts Availability for Kawasaki ZX6R J
KAWASAKI ZX6R J may also fit other models.
Photographs of each item are available please ask which
items you would like to see.

Rear brake lever rear brake pedal £13.00
Rear footrest foot rest hanger brackets front hanger heal plate £18.00
Water expansion bottle £15.00
Carbs carburettors with inlet trumpets £195.00
Oil pump water and pump assembly £45.00
Forks yokes £35.00
Rear shock absorber linkage dog bone bearing pivot block £20.00
Gear change lever and link rod £20.00
Main wiring harness wiring loom £40.00
Grab handles ideal for repaint or use as is £15.00
Handle bars for 46mm forks with bar end weights £26.00
Throttle twist grip handle bar grips £25.00
CDI 21119-1557 ECU Junction box 26021-1095 regulator rectifier £45.00
rear light with bulb holders tail light £15.00
rear sub frame £16.00